31 December 2005


The flowers very nice right?

New Year coming very soon, wish everyone happy~

27 December 2005


昨夜,过得非常非常的开心,开心因为与爸爸,妈妈和姐姐在一起。。。坐在一起吃饭的一幕好像在我脑海里是非常模糊的,我的期待终于实现了 ^^

晚饭后,到了姐姐新家一趟,之后,我以为爸爸会说要回家了,那知道他说要去超市,@_@ ,我还真是一惊,陪我们逛超市更是多年来不曾有的事, 真是让我 surprise 到极点。。。 ^^

到超市时,最雀跃的就是我了,简直就像个 little girl,爸爸可是买了好多东西给我哦,我阿姐不知多妒忌我,哈哈哈哈。。。



25 December 2005

:: Christmas Eve Special ::

had dinner at Yataimura on Christmas Eve, ordered a set of "Christmas Special"

Yummy~~~ :P~

Merry Christmas

Hi all my dearest friends : Merry Christmas! I will send my personal angel for special protection for u all... (to my angel: u have to work d, kakaka...~ :P)

I had an very enjoyable dinner last night with Kang Theng, and i received lot of sweet and warm sms from my friends too, thank you very much to all, i feel so warm and it was really a sweet peaceful night for me ;-)

Again, thank you very much for the presents, wow... can i hug all to sleep huh? Well, i will try not to kick them when i am sleeping, lolz~

Huggies and ... muaks~

22 December 2005




当我读到以上这一小段时,心里还蛮多感触。。。我的爱情,也还真是不顺利,对于那一句 :有時甚至連自己也不禁懷疑-是自己不值得被珍惜嗎﹖ 还真是我的心声呢。。。不知从何时开始,我的笑容很多时候,竟然是苦笑,那多无奈啊。。。

21 December 2005

:: Sharing ::

This Artwork - Kiss
I love this artwork very much, have got a puzzle of this, but still haven't complete -__-""
Artist: Gustav Klimt

20 December 2005





19 December 2005


1. 愛一個人而那個人不愛你是很讓人難受的,但更痛苦的是,愛一個人,卻永遠都沒勇氣告訴他。

2. 生命中最悲哀的一件事,就是遇到了一個對你來說很重要的人,但你卻到了最后才發現,一切都太遲了,你無力回天,只好任其隨風而逝。

3. 最好的朋友是你們靜坐在游廊上,一句話也不說,當你們各自走開的時候,仍感到你們經歷了一場十分精彩的對話。

4. 當我們失去的時候,才知道自己曾經擁有。

5. 只需一分鐘就可以碰到一個人,一小時喜歡上一個人,一天愛上一個人,但需要花盡一生的時間去忘掉一個人。

6. 不要追求外表,它會騙人。不要追求財富,它會消失。追求一個能經常讓你微笑的人吧,因為微笑會讓你灰暗的世界豁然開朗、陽光明媚

7. 夢自己想夢的,做自己想做的,因為生命只有一次,機會不會再來

8. 一句無心的話也許會點燃糾紛,一句殘酷的話也許會毀掉生命,一句及時的話也許會消釋緊張,一句知心的話也許會愈合傷口、挽救他人。

9. 最快樂的人所擁有的一切東西并不都是最好的,但他們會充分享受自己已有的東西。

10. 愛情是以微笑開始,以吻生長,以淚結束。你出生的時候,你哭著,周圍的人笑著﹔在生命的盡頭,你笑著,而周圍的人在哭著。

16 December 2005




02 December 2005


Today heavy rain since early morning, woke up very early... hmm... i don't have to go office already, but just cant get back to sleep, so after 赖床 for sometime, i just wake up and oh... i will have to go to office to pass some unfinish project to partner.

When i am in office, the atmosphere make me like a bit hard to breath, hmmm... and the rooms very dark, very quiet as no one talking, so straight i walked to partner's room in tell him everything in very fast way, don't want to stay long...

Then i had lunch with a friend, and after lunch we went gurney plaza, i want to search something, and yeah, i found it~ oooh... since i have time, then i was stay at Popular book store for sometime, saw lot of books which i am quite interested to read on, hmm... and saw one set of books which make me so excited, kakakaka... i love that, but in the end i don't buy it as you know... the price :p , better don't spend so much, kakaka... still a lot of stocks, maybe next few weeks only i go and buy them, wuahahaha... (so books, wait for me...)

Client called, i am -__-""" actually hope they don't call me, but have to serve them still, things have to finish ma...

I still can't manage my mood well, and when i went home, sigh, parent got arguement... :(

Haihz, what should i do? The sky is so grey and dull, and so my heart...