29 November 2005

Favourite Illustration

Jimmy Liao is one of my favourite illustrator, really wish one day i can do illustration as well, a simple artwork may tell lot of stories~

25 November 2005

I Miss U

Have u ever missed someone and felt terrible because u think that he/she doesn't miss u?

Almost everyone has..Read on..
Missing someone is terrible but at the same time, a sweet feeling.
U will be sitting around wondering if u meant anything to him/her.
Thinking if he/she ever cares about u.
Rushing to the phone once it rings, hoping that it's him/her.
Looking out of the window hoping that he/she will surprise u by appearing downstairs.
Sitting in front of the television but thinking of her/him missing the final episode of your favourite show.
Laying on your bed, thinking of the last time u went out together.
Thinking of how nice it will be to sit under the stars again, talking about everything, your dreams, plans, future.
Logging on to the internet hoping to see him/her online.
When u realise that he/she isn't online and did not return your page, u will start worrying if he/she is okay.
Missing someone is a way of growing up i guess.
It exposes u to loneliness. It teaches u how to cope with being lonely and let u know that there is actually a feeling known as emptiness.
Sometimes it feels good to miss someone.
U know that u really care and u indulge in the feeling of loving/caring for him/her.
But missing someone and not knowing if he/she is feeling the same is terrible.
U feel as if u are being left alone. So if u miss someone, tell him/her and let them know.
At the same time, ask if they miss u.
Don't let the feeling of missing someone become jealousy or paranoid.
If u are the one being missed and u know it, let the other party know.
If u miss him/her too, tell them. Don't let them wait.

14 November 2005

:: 牢骚 ::

最近我做了个对我个人而言, 非常大的一个决定… 我决定了终止我的事业, 我并非不在喜欢graphic, 只是真的觉得我…好累~~

并非在冲动下做的决定. 好好笑…我想, 这是我第一次如此冷静的去思考一个问题, 认识我的人都会觉得我…好个冲动的人啊~ 这次这个决定是我左思右想之后下的… 不是放弃, 而是放下.

回头想想, 这么多年来, 我实在没有好好的休息过, 问了自己一个问题, 到底我最想实现的梦想, 最想得到的是什么东西? 从小到大, 心里只有一个答案: 我要幸福, 要快乐. 对我而言, 我要的幸福, 我要的快乐, 绝非事业或金钱可以满足的, 它很简单, 它只要一点点家人的爱, 一点点情人的爱, 一点点朋友的爱, 加起来就是了… :)

我的人生没有很悲, 只是我的路没那么好走, 上天给我非常多的考验, 以前的我, 想法非常偏激, 往往想的很糟糕, 可现在会往好的一面去想, 不是每一次都做得到, 但我在努力的学习, 学习长大吧…不懂~ 有时侯, 真想自己永远只是个小孩…哈哈, 算了, 谁不想呢?

在想, 自己是不是个多愁善感的人啊~ 怎么那么多东西烦啊~

不说了, 原来我蛮会发牢骚的嘛…~

在补充一句, 我还是快乐的, 至少现在我是… 做了那个决定后, 我有种:“我走了,不带走一片云彩” 的感觉,哈哈。。。~

哦! 对了, 在同一片天空, 另一片土地上的你, 我想对你说: 我想你~ , 别在东张西望了, 就是要对你说! :p

09 November 2005

I Have A Dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

oh yeah, i love this song, kekekeke~

08 November 2005


...Little by little we grow
...But soon you'll know
...We'll reach touch the sky
...So that you can climb
...To find your dreams
...And wings to fly

Sky collecting many stories from all of us, try to look at it, u will find that, the clouds telling different stories, no matter sunny day or rainny day...

Enjoy viewing~


家里每盏灯,都应该有一个名字。著名设计师PhilippeStarck设计了一盏小巧的玻璃罩吊灯,名字叫:“RomeoMoon”,那盏吊灯顿时迷人起来。   我们也可以为自己的灯加上一个名字。   书房的灯就叫“笑忘书”吧。   如果你每天深夜仍然要在书房孤军作战,也可以把照亮书桌的灯叫作“公主彻夜未眠”。   厨房的灯,何不叫“心灵鸡汤”或“未能食素”?   浴室的灯就叫“挪威的森林”或“偷窥”吧。   睡房的灯,还用考虑?该叫“睡眠帝国”,如果两个人一起睡,就叫“爱情万岁”。   客厅的座地灯,叫“倾成之恋”又如何?如果你的名字叫苏菲,你露台那盏灯就叫“苏菲的世界”吧。   你的家面向西南,露台的灯何不叫作“国境之南,太阳之西”?   假使向北,自然是“北回归线”。   独在异乡为异客,家里的一盏孤灯,应该叫“生活在地方”或“异乡客”。   大门前面那一盏灯,永远亮着,夜夜等你回家,就让它叫“不朽”吧。   相信我,当家里每一盏灯都有一个名字,你会觉得它们份外美丽。   灯和你,也不再孤单。

oh yeah, good idea, if many things around me have got a name, i wont feel tat lonely ^_^